
Build Something Better

Are you tired of playing the game of life as is? 😶 Do you want to shift-out-of-stuck and into a meaningful, make-a-dent-of-a-difference, joy-filled purpose? 🙌 My friend, we are on the same journey and we are singing the same tune. 🎶 Let's build our something better...together. 💜 ~Coach Kari

muddy boots in field
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Feeling a Bit Stuck in the Mud?

June 12, 2024 Hey Reader, It's been an incredibly rainy spring here in northern Minnesota. 😶 But, I'm not complaining, because I don't have to shovel rain. And, that's a W-I-N!! Interestingly though, the wet earth and muddy trails brought up a childhood memory that makes a lot of sense when I think about how we experience the feeling of being stuck in life. My mom grew up on a farm in western Minnesota. And, when I was a kid, I loved it there. Visiting my grandparents and turning the old...

June 26, 2024 Hey Reader, In a few days, the official month of Pride will come to an end. But, what it stands for - civil rights & equal justice for the LGBTQIA2S+ community - will continue on. In a few days, all of the big corporate commercials championing Pride will fade away as well. But, all of the queer solopreneur & small business owners will still be here providing products and services - as they have been every day of the year. Yes, I am a queer solopreneur. And yes, I provide a...

June 1, 2024 Happy PRIDE Reader, As said in our previous email: Choosing to be authentic is one of the bravest things we can do. And whether this month you are embracing your beautiful LGBTQ2SIA+ authentic self or any other aspect of your life that requires you to be true to you, it is one of the bravest things that you can do. In October 2017, I experienced this in a profound and unforgettable way. Coming out to my family and friends was one of the bravest things I've ever done. My heart...

April 3, 2024 Hey Reader, Last week's brief pondering between creating and building stirred the pot a bit... So, let's keep stirring. 😏 In case you missed it, here's the heart of it: To create something has a 'wave a magic wand and poof there it is' feel to it where building something speaks of an intentional investment of time, focus, commitment, energy and resources. Now, to clarify, I'm not against the idea or concept of creation. In fact, I'm a content creator (as this email is evidence...

sparkling magic wand

March 27, 2024 Hi Reader, When you talk about improving yourself, and your life, which one of the following statements captures the essence of what it is that you really want to do? Create a life you love? -or- Build a life you love? Create a better life? -or- Build a better life? Create something better? -or- Build something better? And...does it even matter? 🤔 I think it does. Here's why. To create something has this 'wave a magic wand and poof there it is' feel to it where to build...

March 20, 2024 Hey Reader, I have a confession 🤫 to make to you this week about something I've been resisting for a long, long time. But, before I tell you what it is, let me pave the way just a little bit. Since I started coaching professionally 5 years ago, I've wrestled with what kind of coach I should be. Translation: what do I want to call myself? Core Energy Coach? Life Transitions Coach? Identity Empowerment Coach? 🤷♀️ To be honest, I can't remember all of the title variations I've...

March 6, 2024 Hi Reader, The following lyric from A Bit of Both by Allen Stone rang extra true for me following a session with a client earlier this week: 🎼 Until you're horizontal, life ain't a straight line True? Or, true? 🤔 I mean, how often do we expect something to turn out a certain way only to find it unfold differently? Taking us down a road we neither saw nor anticipated? 😶 Then, when it happens, how do we respond? Are we able to go with the flow and trust the process? Or, do we dig...

February 28, 2024 Hey Reader, Most years, on February 28th, I am doing cartwheels and celebrating the end of winter and the beginning of spring. I know, I know 'real' spring doesn't start for another 3 weeks. But, trust me, when you live where I live, you have to be creative with how you survive the long, cold winters. 🥶 That's why I created what I call 'psychological winter'. Yep. Winter is only allowed the space of November 1st through February 28th in my brain. Period. Full stop. But, of...

Love is a choice, and I choose to love every day. ~C.J. Ellisson February 14, 2024 Confession: I'm not a huge fan, or participant, in 'Hallmark Holidays'. 😶 It's taken some time, but I'm finally able to admit, and be okay with, that. So, if you were expecting a Happy Valentine's Day email, this will surely disappoint. But, that's me being authentic. Which is kind of my whole shtick. 😊 And, leads me to this week's special announcement. 📣 Next Wednesday, February 21st at 12pm EST, I'll be...

Every moment is a fresh beginning. ~T.S. Eliot February 7, 2024 I'd like to start off this week by giving an extra warm welcome 🤗 to a number of beautiful humans who have opted into this newsletter over the past couple of weeks - I am truly honored that you're here. 🎉🥰 Quick Update: I'm still working away in the background to redesign this newsletter as we pivot in a new direction - which I'd like to discuss a little bit more today. 😊 In order to do that, let us go back to the beginning......