Feeling a Bit Stuck in the Mud?




June 12, 2024

Hey Reader,

It's been an incredibly rainy spring here in northern Minnesota. ๐Ÿ˜ถ

But, I'm not complaining, because I don't have to shovel rain. And, that's a W-I-N!!

Interestingly though, the wet earth and muddy trails brought up a childhood memory that makes a lot of sense when I think about how we experience the feeling of being stuck in life.

My mom grew up on a farm in western Minnesota. And, when I was a kid, I loved it there. Visiting my grandparents and turning the old corncrib into a center of imaginary adventures made my heart smile.

One year, in early spring, with wet snow still spread sporadically through the muddy fields, my younger brother, cousins and I decided to explore those fields.

Not the best idea we'd ever had.

If you know anything about wet muddy farm fields (which we 'city kids' obviously didn't ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ), they tend to encase your feet like wet cement very quickly if you don't keep moving.

My brother Ryan did just that. He stopped moving and immediately found himself stuck in the mud...unable, no matter how hard he tried, to take another step.

I remember him being quite scared. And, needing our support and encouragement to step out of his boots so he could run back to the edge of the field in his socks.

Leaving his boots behind in the mud.

Now, on any given day, we were pretty good problem solvers. But, on that day, we needed someone who had a little more strength and experience than we did to retrieve those boots. Yep. We had to ask an adult for help. ๐Ÿ™„

Which circles back to life today.

When have you felt stuck in the mud, unable to take another step?

How did you navigate that situation?

Were you willing to ask for help?

Or, did you keep trying (to the point of exhaustion) to make something happen?

Tell me, did you figure it out or...are you still stuck? ๐Ÿ˜•

Truth is, we all get stuck at times.

And, we can all get a bit stubborn about it too. ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ

Kind of like having a pair of boots cemented in the muddy fields of our minds.

Let's call it a limiting belief or story that holds on so tightly that it holds us back from moving forward in some area of our lives that matters to us.

But, the cool thing is, we don't have to stay there.

Because, with some support and encouragement, we can find the courage to leave those boots, and the stories they tell us, behind.

I actually like to think of the a-ha moments my coaching clients have as the moments they step out of those boots, get unstuck and, with support, run to the edge of their muddy mind fields.

So, if you're feeling stuck in the mud, unable to take another step, then I am inviting you to ask for some help today.

In one of two ways:

  1. Take advantage of my True to You month of June 30 minutes for $30 offer
  2. Book a free Your Authentic Life Clarity Callโ€‹

Either one will get you started getting unstuck and out of the mud.

Moving forward towards what matters.

Your Coach,


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Kari Becken (they/she)

Certified Professional Coach




**This email was written with 100% human intelligence**


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Kari Becken, LLC, 2712 W. 8th Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55806

Build Something Better

Are you tired of playing the game of life...as it is? Do you long to shift-out-of-stuck and into a sense of meaningful purpose? One that fills you with joy and allows you to make a dent-of-a-difference in this world? My friend, we are singing ๐ŸŽถ the same tune. Sign up for my weekly newsletter & let's start to build your something better...together. ๐Ÿ’œ ~Coach Kari (they/she)

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