
Build Something Better

Are you tired of playing the game of it is? Do you long to shift-out-of-stuck and into a sense of meaningful purpose? One that allows you to make a dent-of-a-difference in this world? My friend, we are singing the same tune. Sign up to receive my weekly newsletter & let's build your something better...together. πŸ’œ ~Coach Kari (they/she)


Hey there πŸ‘‹ Coach Kari here! 😎


I'm a 50-something year old with a partner and two fur babies who makes my home in Duluth, Minnesota.


And, I've always believed there was meaning to this life and that we mattered.


Over the years, however, that belief and my Self got lost somewhere along the way. πŸ˜•


In truth, it was hijacked by religious fundamentalism and I spent many years hiding my true identity.


In 2015, however, I found myself sifting through the rubble of what was left of my 'life after god' with a choice to make. A choice about who I would now be - and who I would become. Would I be the 'angry agnostic atheist’ 😑 and spend the rest of my life arguing for the other side? Or, would I, instead, choose to build something better ? πŸ’ͺ


I chose to build something better. πŸ’₯


And, one of the ways I am doing that is as a Certified Professional Coach who helps you navigate the challenges of life and become who you were meant to be.


So, if you are willing to shake up your status quo, shift-out-of-stuck and begin to move towards what matters most to you, then let's chat.


To get started, simply choose a way to connect with me:


βœ…β€‹ Sign up for my weekly emails​​

βœ… ​Book a Free Build Something Better Breakthrough Call​​

βœ… ​Follow me on the Socials​​


Because you - and the life you want to build - matter. ✨


~Coach Kari (they/she)